Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Quidersbach, Germany

We are here in Quidersbach staying at the home of our gracious hosts, Dave and Shirley Disch. The weather is beautiful -- very cool and crisp -- quite a contrast to the warm, muggy air in Tennessee. But a wonderful contrast. We walked to the market with our jackets and boots on, bought some warm bread and cheese, and thanked the Lord for the seasons. We are ready for fall!

Tomorrow we'll be going into Kaiserslautern to pick up installation passes -- praying all goes smooth!

Okay, jet lag setting in a little -- good night!

Monday, August 30, 2010

"With visions of redemption, I walk against the crowd." Arthur Quiller-Couch.

"A pilgrim is a traveler that is taken seriously." Ambrose Bierce

"He who would travel happily must travel light." Antoine de Saint-Exupery

"Traveling abroad is a progressive exercise in the discovery of our own ignorance." William Blake