Wednesday, May 25, 2011


When I married into the Meyers' family, I knew that I picked a good clan. But I didn't realize just how much fun they had together until this past weekend, when they came in overnight on a "kid swap" (Hope and Rodney were meeting Dan's parents with Elisabeth). It was like a bunch of old friends having a reunion. There was a lot of laughter. There were some tears (but only from even more laughter).

Dan's sweet dad, Udell

Playing a rousing game of Cranium - Dan was checking the accuracy of someone's answer on his computer, of course.

Isn't she a beauty? This is our niece, Elisabeth.

Daddy and Son

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Friends for tea

Two sweet friends came to town. I've known Patty and Chelsea for years. We've walked through the carefree days of childhood together, as well as the awkward days of junior high, the rapidly changing years of college, and finally marriage. The three of us try to get together as often as we intersect (which is rare these days and will probably become even rarer), and this time we had a toy to play with. It's called Collin. I was so happy to finally meet Patty and Micah's newest addition to their family. He's such a sweet baby, and I am so happy for the two of them (and for him because he has two cool parents). Plus, the three of us added to our repertoire of experiences together: baby talk and diapers.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

In the studio

Dan's working on his EP - to be released this summer! We've been looking forward to this for a while, ever since we started raising the funds through last fall. Here are a few pictures of the progress...

Dan and his producer, John Mark Painter. John's so great to work with.

This is the vocal session - Dan sings his heart out

I got in on the fun, too! (Unexpectedly.)