Friday, July 22, 2011


If we were to compare our summer to a music genre, it would definitely be jazz: fast-paced, unpredictable, and entirely American.

Okay, I have no idea what that means - but it made sense in my head at the time.

It's been an incredibly long but incredibly short summer. Long, in that if I were to list all the things we had to do, you'd begin to wonder about our sanity (or lack thereof). Short, in that it's already July 22nd and I still don't have a tan.

But it's been a blessed summer. Here are a few pictures to share.

We went with my wonderful friend Chelsea and her husband Daniel to F. Scotts to hear Chelsea's dad play jazz. Mr. Coil is a TALENTED piano player so we thoroughly enjoyed the music. But even better was catching up with sweet friends.

The two wonderful Dans - Chels and I know how to pick 'em, if I do say so myself.

Here is part of our Dohuk team - Andy and Lisa Bishop. We had a lot of fun with them during SGI orientation. They are an amazing couple and we can't wait to share life with them next year. They were in Dohuk last year and will be rejoining us for the spring semester (after a little furlough - baby #2 on the way!)

Stacy, who I roomed with in 09, will also be joining our team. We're excited to have her on our team, too! (She had already left before we took the picture.)

The Nelsons, the other couple, will be in Nashville next week. It will be so good to see them before we all head back to Dohuk in August!

Our first tomatoes!

Wedding bells rang for my little cousin, Jordan. We got all snazzy just for him.

Jordan and his beautiful bride, Sarah. Aren't they pretty? We're so happy for them!

Monday, July 11, 2011

One month...

...until we leave for a place that is very beautiful and very dear to my heart.