Sunday, October 17, 2010

Under the Tuscan Sun

We spent a couple of days in Tuscany between our time in Sigonella and Vicenza.

After seeing a Tuscan sunset, I understand the meaning of the title, Under the Tuscan Sun. I wasn't crazy about the movie (and never read the book), but...

I'm in love with Tuscany.

Here's why.

Gorgeous sunset that turned everything orange

Downtown Florence

More downtown

Introducing Jessica, the girl who just might be able to compete with me in a game of Dan Meyers trivia. Dan and Jessica have been good friends for years (probably because they have the same personality). She's lived in Italy for 9 years working with military youth. She is fantastic and we had a blast spending a few days with her.

Quite possibly the best coffee in the world - melt in your mouth deliciousness. And a lot less expensive than Starbucks.

Dan and I found our inner child on a playground.


  1. looks like you guys are living the time well there. Love you Jules!

  2. As most cases go, the book is always better. But if you can be there in comparison!
