Monday, February 27, 2012

Girl Time

I'm blessed to be surrounded by some wonderful women - both on my team and in a fellowship we're a part of. Through the years, God has shown Himself to be so faithful to bring the right people into my life at the right time.

The other day a few of us took a little 45 minute trip to Zakho to do some major damage. (And to find some great deals!) This is the closest thing we have to a Wal-Mart: City Centre!

Celebrating a teammate's birthday.

Praise God for these ladies!


  1. Hooray for girl time! Being with husbands is definitely a blessing, but the laughter and fun that comes from being with women can't be matched. I'm so glad you have them.

  2. Love these photos! Yes, He is faithful :-)


  3. I am glad that you have made some wonderful friends! :)

