Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Final Days

Last Guitar Lesson

A message that certain guitar students left on our gate...

Dan's mission for 2012: get these guys to stand in a line for snacks.  Mission accomplished.

Our last day of class: Popcorn Day!

Our class chief of grade 5B.  She won the most feathers for good behavior!

Our beloved team.  What would we have done this year without them?

Friday, May 11, 2012

Guitarists on the Roof

When Dan offered guitar lessons to a few guys at the beginning of the year, he wasn't sure quite what to expect.  Little did he know how dedicated these guys would be to coming every week to our house.  One of his students actually weaseled his way into getting lessons by just showing up at our house one day!  Dan was reluctant at first, but the student has since proven himself worthy.  It's obvious that they don't take it for granted.  It's been a highlight for Dan and it's been really fun for me to watch.  

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Halfway Point

This week, I am 20 weeks along!  It's a visible reality by now.  Today a 6th grade girl approached me and said, "Miss, you are pregnant."  Yes, I am.  Thank you.  And my 5th graders don't hold back from telling me how very "fat" I am getting.  (Here, that's a compliment.  Er, I think?)

It is really useful to have their daily reminders, of course.  The backaches, the constant hunger and the lack of sleep definitely aren't enough.  ;)

One of the most exciting symptoms is the kicking of little feet.  Dan has felt it a time or two and it's great to see his face light up when it happens.  We are ready to find out boy or girl in just a few weeks!

Friday, May 4, 2012

School Picnic

Picnics are a big deal here.  A really big deal.  (And when I say picnic, I don't mean a sandwich on a blanket on the church lawn kind of a thing.  This is a drive 45 minutes to the perfect spot - covered dish - eat and eat and eat more - sit around and talk - dance for hours - even in the rain - eat more - go home when it's starting to get dark - kind of a thing.)

Spring is short, so there's a small window of opportunity to get out and enjoy the fresh air and green fields.  Last week we had a school-wide picnic.  It was so fun to see a different side of the students!  I enjoyed a relaxed time of eating and talking about life with my 5th graders.  Dan enjoyed some jam sessions with his guitar students.

 One of my students.  Her sweet family had this dress made for me for this special day.

Another sweet student.  I had the privilege of teaching her in 2nd grade, as well.  She's a little lady with an incredible amount of kindness in her heart.

Two sweet friends - great students - beautiful spirits.

Dan sporting his traditional Kurdish pants.  He's enjoyed getting to know this fellow teacher.

It was a lovely day for a picnic.