Sunday, January 16, 2011

Alaska Part 1: Fairbanks

"And to our right, you'll see a native Alaskan in his natural habitat." That's my favorite quote of the week, spoken by one of the Air Force guys we met at the retreat this weekend. It was -20 degrees and we passed by a man outside in nothing but jeans and a flannel. That's what I call acclimatizing. We city folk from middle Tennessee just don't see how 15 degrees is considered unseasonably warm.

Our week in Fairbanks has been eventful. Enjoy the pictures!

This is where we've been staying. It's so warm and cozy.

Okay, not really. We do stay in an actual house with actual heat.

Dan plays for a youth group

Trivia: is the sun rising or setting? Answer: Both!

The beautiful woods after a snowfall

Some sweet friends we met along the way...

House concert on Fort Wainwright

Marriage retreat at Chena Hot Springs

Ice Museum - a work of art

Some of the folks at the singles retreat this weekend

This is THE place to stay if you're ever in the Fairbanks area.

Next week, we'll be in the bush. I hope to see some moose!

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