Monday, March 14, 2011

Just another day in Heidelberg...

Heidelberg, Germany is one of our favorite spots we get to visit. The gorgeous, timeless ring of the bell towers are a constant reminder of the city's rich history. After constructing the 95 theses, Martin Luther defended them in Heidelberg in 1518.

We can't go many days in Germany without Kasesuppe (Cheese Soup) and a salad.

Dan played a house concert at the Bill and Kathy Farmer's house on the Heidelberg base. We missed out on seeing Bill, as he has been deployed for 6 months. His family is awaiting his sweet return home in a few days. He'll be home for a couple of weeks before heading back for another 6 month deployment. Spending time with overseas military families has been such an eye-opening experience. I am so grateful for the sacrifice these men and women make for the safety and security of our country. Not only do they go off to fight, but also they're always involved in service and humanitarian projects all around the world. It's amazing. We ought to thank the Lord for their service every day.

This little guy couldn't keep his eyes off Dan while he was playing. Doesn't he look like a future musician?

House Concert at the Farmers...

...with this group. What lovely people.

The Farmer family, minus Bill and AJ.

1 comment:

  1. I always enjoy your pictures but I want to know where you are every day. So you should post an interactive map so we can follow you guys as you travel about!
