Friday, September 30, 2011

Our Home

I thought it might be time to post a few pictures of the house we're living in. This is where my former teammates, Antonio and Rebekah, lived. So I hung out here quite a bit in 2009. It's also where our current (and currently absent) teammates, the Bishops, lived. (They'll be back in a few months after Baby #2 comes and will hopefully move into a house on our street.) Little did I know I'd one day get married, come back, and live here with my husband.

It's an "older" home, built in the 80s, I believe. So it's seen a lot. And despite the cracks and splinters and seal-less windows, it's been a faithful home so far.

We're thankful for a sprinkler system that keeps the grass nice and green.

Pomegranate tree and rose bushes.

Kitchen table/desk/game table. Yes, that is a fancy latte sitting on the table. (Kind of an afternoon routine for me.)

Our bright and cheery kitchen.

Our air-conditioned room.

Basil! Compliments of our friend, Cathy, the master gardener. Definitely a little piece of home.


  1. Sorry Jules, that was actually me (Chelsea) who commented there above, although im sure Daniel is glad too :)

  2. Oh shoot! Now the other comment did not show! I had said "Beautiful Jules! So glad you shared these!" but was accidentally still in my husband's google account so it showed as him, then I tried to correct it and it all dissapeared, oh well..... So, Beautiful Jules! So glad you shared these!! :)

  3. Ha! No problem, Chels! Thanks for the comment! Glad you enjoyed it.

  4. Jules! I love your house! I am sure you have made it special and cozy! :)

  5. AHHH.... How fun! I LOVE the added shelf in the kitchen! VERY COOL addition! I can't believe how green it is still there! When we arrived in August, it was already brown! It makes me happy that you guys are living there and making it your home! Despite the "issues" of the house which can be frustrating, it looks like you guys are doing great... this makes me smile :)

  6. Thanks, Lisa! :) We bought the shelf from Mitsy before she left. Can't wait to have you guys live next to us!! Get here, already!
