Tuesday, September 13, 2011

From their point of view

"Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again."
- C.S. Lewis

I understand what you mean now, Mr. Lewis. Sometimes it takes a little growing up on our part to see the world through the eyes of a child again. And it's a fascinating world, indeed.

Today I was reading Pinocchio with my students and the following conversation ensued.

Student 1: Miss, Pinocchio didn't mean to kill the cricket.
Me: You don't think he did? The author Collodi says he's not sure whether Pinocchio meant to kill him or not.
Student 2: What?? You mean even the author doesn't know??
Me: That's right. Pinocchio is so hard to figure out, isn't he?
Student 3: He's a bad boy.
Me: He is indeed. I wonder if he'll ever learn...
Student 4: But why was he looking for food? He's made out of wood! Shouldn't he eat wood??

One of our vocabulary words the other day was "bewildered." As I was explaining an assignment to them yesterday, one of my girls raised her hand and told me with a completely straight face, "Miss, I am bewildered." Smile. Restate the assignment.

I love this job.


  1. We are so proud of all you are doing. We're glad you and Dan found each other. U R MFEO. :)
    Kent and Linda

  2. I think it amazing to see what schools are like in different countries. They probably appreciate education alot more than children over here in America.

  3. Elisabeth, I have noticed that kids here seem, in general, to be more appreciative. I'm not sure why that is. It's also true that kids are kids no matter where you go - I have students who forget to do their homework and attention-craving clowns who make unbecoming noises during class. :)

  4. Hey Julie,

    "Sometimes it takes a little growing up on our part to see the world through the eyes of a child again." -- What you said here makes me think of Dan & baby Hope in his updated profile picture on FB.

