Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Not to be forgotten

We lost something precious this week. I barely had time to understand just how precious it was. The physical pain of the event hasn’t quite subsided and acts as a constant reminder. The pregnancy, though it was 7 weeks, feels like a distant day – a beautiful dream that came to an end too quickly.

After a couple of days of storms and cold rain, the sun finally returned today – blue sky, light breeze. I finally ventured out into the yard in the sweatpants I’ve been wearing all week. Our roses are still in bloom – amazing. There was one rose that particularly intrigued me. It was so new, so pure – so innocent. It smelled fresh. I had to take a picture of it.

The rose now hangs in our house – sort of as a memorial to our baby. When it dries, I’ll do something special with the rose. Press it into a bookmark or something. It will be a reminder that life is full of beautiful things that are often overlooked. But God is aware of every detail – every small event. And He is perfect in His care. It’s breathtaking to think that God knows His creation so intimately.

And until we’re face to face with Him, we’ll never know why He allowed us to encounter such momentary joy and then, suddenly, such an enduring grief. But until then, what we do know is this:

“He determines the number of the stars;

He gives to them all their names.

Great is our God, and abundant in power,

His understanding is beyond measure.”

-Ps. 147:4-5

“The Lord is near to the brokenhearted,

and saves the crushed in spirit.”

-Ps. 34:18

That’s the God we serve. The world may not be right, but God is good.


  1. Julie,
    That is a beautiful thing you are doing. You are continually in my prayers. God will be with you every step of the way. I just want you to know that I love you with my whole heart, and am always here for you.
    I love you Julie,

  2. Julie,

    I'm so sorry to hear of your news, but I am uplifted by your enduring spirit, your patience and your reliance on the Lord. We all love you and miss you very much. We will keep praying. Know that the Lord has hemmed you in, behind and before and He has laid His hand upon you.
    Much love from Tennessee,

  3. May God be with you both, losing a child is never an easy time. But God is with you and will always be with you, He just wanted His child back a bit sooner than most. Know that His love and grace will see you through this. He has placed many people around you to love you and help you through this also. May God Bless you and Yours today and everyday!

  4. Praying for you both, the pain is deep, but the promise of seeing them in Heaven is comfort.

  5. I love you and am praying for your healing-yours and Dan's. Mom Williams

  6. Thanks, all. So appreciate your friendship, care and prayers!

  7. Julie,

    We have two grandchildren with the Lord. We mourn with you and are praying for you and Dan.

    Much love,

  8. Hi Julie, Dan's wife,

    My name is Thy. I know your husband through Base Camp in North Pole, AK. He's a very talented and devoted man. I've never met you, though I'm sure you're amazing -- your strong FAITH speaks volumes. ;) Thank you for sharing such a personal experience, yet a profound revelation. God bless you and your family, XOs
