Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas Spectacular

What do you get when you combine Kurdish dancing, Jingle Bells, Mr. Bean singing opera, karaoke rap music, and heart-shaped balloons? A Christmas program, naturally.

All I can say is, this town's got talent. And I was there to witness it all -- captured in an electrifying 3 1/2 hour event.

Dan the Santa Man leading the 7th graders in a very moving rendition of Jingle Bells.

My sweet 5th graders sang, "I've Got Peace Like a River." It was pretty cute if I do say so myself. But I am biased.


  1. I bet they had a wonderful time singing! I bet they also have alot of fun with Uncle Dan! :)

  2. i am enjoying this soooo much, you guys are awesome...having a great time and sharing.

  3. love this! Thanks for snapping a few pix!

    Love you both,
