Thursday, September 27, 2012

40 Weeks and Waiting

Our baby girl has decided that a due date (September 24) is just not for her.  She prefers to be fashionably late and wants a birthday later in September or early in October.  So... we wait!

We managed to get a photo of me as PBP (Pregnant Before Popping) as I'm gonna get!  Here's the little munchkin at 40 weeks.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Summer 2012

 Well, I'm a little behind in blogging, so here's a catch up session.

The reason I haven't blogged in a while is...

Let's be real.  My blogging skills are at a real low this summer.  Maybe even worse off than my phone-answering skills.  But we haven't given up yet...  here we go!

We've been back from Iraq for nearly 3 months, which is so difficult to believe.  We keep getting asked, "Is it good to be back?"  Typically we say, "Yes," but the real honest answer would be longer, more complicated, and probably not what people have time for.  

I'll reveal the real honest answer here.  It IS good to be back home.  However, when there are bits and pieces of your heart that feel more at home in a far off distant country, even the best hobbit hole can feel   a little unsatisfying.  But it's not a dissatisfaction with life in general.  We are content.  The Lord has provided everything we need!  It's probably best summed up in this quote you might be familiar with:

"If I discover in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world."    - C.S. Lewis

I'm not made for Franklin, Tennessee or Dohuk, Iraq.  I'm not made for this world.  Living abroad doesn't satisfy the longing for something more, it only irritates it.  Each culture hints at certain flavors of heaven, and can only whet our longing for that distant far off country called Eternity.

Our hope is that God is the same God here and there.  He's faithful to us wherever we are!

June: Beach Time with the Smiths

My sweet friend Elisabeth lives in Pensacola and met up with us for some gelato!

July: Moving
 I always forget how much work it is to move!  But we're really enjoying our rental house.
We have some wonderful neighbors!

July: Meyers Family Reunion
22 people in 1 house for 4 days, 1 water well, and 2 inches of rain since April = no water the last 24 hours.  But we managed to have a lot of fun anyway!

3 sweet nieces

The Grandpa and his watermelon crew

Talent Show Night!  There was drama.  There was basketball.  But most of all, there was music.

August: Coming Soon!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Our baby girl

This is how we announced to my parents that "it's a girl!"  The sweet dress hanging up is the one my mom wore home from the hospital... and then 32 years later I wore the same dress home.  27 years later, the dress is still in beautiful shape and it'll be used again! 
And here she is.

Her sweet little legs and feet!

Fingers are tasty, apparently.

Meyers nose, Smith lips.  That's my prediction, based on this photo.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Final Days

Last Guitar Lesson

A message that certain guitar students left on our gate...

Dan's mission for 2012: get these guys to stand in a line for snacks.  Mission accomplished.

Our last day of class: Popcorn Day!

Our class chief of grade 5B.  She won the most feathers for good behavior!

Our beloved team.  What would we have done this year without them?

Friday, May 11, 2012

Guitarists on the Roof

When Dan offered guitar lessons to a few guys at the beginning of the year, he wasn't sure quite what to expect.  Little did he know how dedicated these guys would be to coming every week to our house.  One of his students actually weaseled his way into getting lessons by just showing up at our house one day!  Dan was reluctant at first, but the student has since proven himself worthy.  It's obvious that they don't take it for granted.  It's been a highlight for Dan and it's been really fun for me to watch.  

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Halfway Point

This week, I am 20 weeks along!  It's a visible reality by now.  Today a 6th grade girl approached me and said, "Miss, you are pregnant."  Yes, I am.  Thank you.  And my 5th graders don't hold back from telling me how very "fat" I am getting.  (Here, that's a compliment.  Er, I think?)

It is really useful to have their daily reminders, of course.  The backaches, the constant hunger and the lack of sleep definitely aren't enough.  ;)

One of the most exciting symptoms is the kicking of little feet.  Dan has felt it a time or two and it's great to see his face light up when it happens.  We are ready to find out boy or girl in just a few weeks!

Friday, May 4, 2012

School Picnic

Picnics are a big deal here.  A really big deal.  (And when I say picnic, I don't mean a sandwich on a blanket on the church lawn kind of a thing.  This is a drive 45 minutes to the perfect spot - covered dish - eat and eat and eat more - sit around and talk - dance for hours - even in the rain - eat more - go home when it's starting to get dark - kind of a thing.)

Spring is short, so there's a small window of opportunity to get out and enjoy the fresh air and green fields.  Last week we had a school-wide picnic.  It was so fun to see a different side of the students!  I enjoyed a relaxed time of eating and talking about life with my 5th graders.  Dan enjoyed some jam sessions with his guitar students.

 One of my students.  Her sweet family had this dress made for me for this special day.

Another sweet student.  I had the privilege of teaching her in 2nd grade, as well.  She's a little lady with an incredible amount of kindness in her heart.

Two sweet friends - great students - beautiful spirits.

Dan sporting his traditional Kurdish pants.  He's enjoyed getting to know this fellow teacher.

It was a lovely day for a picnic.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

One Hope

I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call—one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. (Ephesians 4:1-6)

Dan and I are so blessed to walk with these incredible people. They've taught us more about this verse in Ephesians. We've been through a lot of ups and downs together in just a few short months -- thanks be to God who gifts us with unity that is only of His Spirit, who calls us to One Hope, and who gives us the grace to bear with one another in love.

(Stacy isn't pictured here -- we're very thankful for her, too!)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Roof Days

Spring is here! *Praise God* Mornings are still a little cool, but the sun is bright and warm. Our roof is a great hangout spot these days (for our clothes and for us). We love being able to enjoy our morning breakfast and coffee where the air is fresh and the sun is bright. And the mountains (and yes, the power lines) are in full view.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Monday, February 27, 2012

Girl Time

I'm blessed to be surrounded by some wonderful women - both on my team and in a fellowship we're a part of. Through the years, God has shown Himself to be so faithful to bring the right people into my life at the right time.

The other day a few of us took a little 45 minute trip to Zakho to do some major damage. (And to find some great deals!) This is the closest thing we have to a Wal-Mart: City Centre!

Celebrating a teammate's birthday.

Praise God for these ladies!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Dohuk Weather

This winter, we've had a strange mix of weather patterns. (Reminds me a bit of Nashville!) But we can see Spring on the horizon, and we are so excited to start digging in the garden again.

The snow we had in January made Dohuk's mountains look so beautiful.

A dust storm paints everything orange. (And makes your house nice and dirty.)

This was from a hail storm a few weeks ago!

Thankfully, signs of Spring are everywhere, including this little Flower Girl from across the street. (She comes to our gate often and says, "Julie, mala wa?" / "Can I come to your house?" I've learned that kids are some of the best teachers of Kurdish because they will fearlessly tell you how wrong you're saying something!)

Monday, February 13, 2012

2 Years

Dan and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary last week. 2 years - it's hard to fathom!

I came home from school and my good man had the table set and a meal cooked. He sure knows how to make my heart smile.

And since it was such a beautiful, sunny day, we ventured onto the roof and had affogatos. Yes, we do love our coffee. And ice cream. (Why not mix 'em together?)