Monday, February 28, 2011

Canada to Germany to Austria

We left one week ago for this month-long tour in Europe. Right now we're enjoying a great time in Austria on a retreat with the Navigators. It's a small group of about 24, which has made for some wonderful opportunities for conversation and intimate fellowship.

Here are some pictures from the week!

Here we are in Canada! Okay, so it might just be the Toronto airport, but it's about as close as either of us has come to visiting this particular neighboring country on our continent. The sunset was lovely! And they have nice planes, too.

Dan's good friend, Ryan Robart, who's been stationed in Germany for 4 years. He's about to PCS back to the States.

I thought Dan could sharpen some of his people skills. So I gave him this book I found. ;)

Dan played a house concert at Baumholder. These are the hosts, Brad and Debbie Ellgen. They've known the Meyers for years through Cadence International.

Here we are in Austria. This is the view across the lake into the town of Millstatt. Can you believe people actually live here?

The castle where we are staying in Milstatt - called Schloss Heroldeck.

The lake just after it had snowed. Kind of reminds me of Narnia, before Aslan.

Skiing on some slippery slopes in Austria. It was icy because they have had a lot of sun and warm weather. We did have fun, but we've been a little sore.

Another bakery. They're as common in Germany and Austria as McDonald's is in the States. It's as dangerous as it is wonderful. Dangerous... as in, many opportunities to "enjoy things you've never had before," ergo many opportunities to pack in the calories.

I end yet another blog entry with a coffee picture, because it's one of the best things about this Europe place. This is an "after" shot of an Illy Coffee.


  1. What an adventure! Looks like you guys are having a wonderful time!

  2. You hide your skiing pain well because you look gorgeous in the snow!

  3. (3 days later) -- Thanks, ladies!
