Tuesday, February 8, 2011

One Year

We officially entered our second year of marriage this weekend. To celebrate one whole year, we took a little walk down memory lane. (Sounds kind of like we're an old married couple now!)
1. We watched our wedding video and laughed at all the quirky things that we never realized happened.
2. We ate part of the top tier of our cake, which was still pretty yum.
3. We took a walk at Radnor Lake (the spot of our third date - and where I first realized that Dan was the cutest boy I'd ever met).
4. We visited Covenant Pres, where we were married. (Unfortunately, it was locked, so we just looked at the outside of the building. That was okay.)
5. Lastly, we ate dinner at the Capitol Grille (located at the Hermitage Hotel, where we stayed the first two nights of the honeymoon). The onion bisque with a toasted brie sandwich is aaaaamazing.

Patty did a wonderful job preserving the cake!

Of course, Dan made lattes - he makes the best!

Apparently, it was no good at all...

Radnor Lake is one of our favorite quiet spots in Nashville. It's a great place for dreaming and scheming... for us, that might be a little dangerous!

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