Monday, August 15, 2011

Istanbul to Dohuk

We are so grateful for a somewhat uneventful trip. We were delayed about 20 hours after missing our connection in Toronto, but that's life. And there's always another adventure waiting for us right around the corner.

Saying goodbye to parents.

A friend we met along the way.

And then...

We finally made it to Istanbul!

Doors of the Blue Mosque

The Hagia Sophia

Inside the Hagia Sophia

On our last night in Istanbul, we watched the moon rise over the city and the Marmara Sea. It was an incredible sight.

Now... to Kurdistan!

We took the land route (aka "the cheaper, longer way") - and though it took us all day, we got to see some amazing portraits of creation along the way.


  1. So glad you made it safely! Beautiful pictures.

  2. Great pictures and you two look great. Thanks for posting these. Love you.

  3. Indeed, lovely pictures! And we are all very thankful you made it safely.

  4. Although, we kind of wish your plane had accidently dropped you back in Nashville...

    Miss you already.
