Sunday, August 28, 2011

Our city

We've been in Dohuk for over two weeks, which is almost impossible to believe. Between yard work and getting reacquainted with the city and helping friends move, the time has really flown. Adjusting to a new life anywhere takes a lot of time and energy. But we're really beginning to feel at home in this city called Dohuk.

Here are some pictures from around town. I'll post some pictures of the house and yard next week - when we get everything fixed up and arranged! (The yard is still a bit of a jungle.)

Our neighborhood chicken.

Bet you didn't know Dohuk had quite a night life! Dan, Stacy and I went out on the town with a sweet little friend that I know from the last time I was here. She's grown a few inches and has become even more beautiful since 2009.

Even though it gets to be 105 in the daytime, the weather has been incredible at night. Unlike nights in Nashville when it's still humid and sticky, Dohuk is breezy, cool and dry at night. 8:30 or 9 is a great time to go outside and enjoy ice cream at a park. Or to sit on the roof.

A restaurant on the water! This wasn't here in 2009.

You tend to see the Kurdish flag in a lot of places - waving high and proud.

A view of the city center from one of the main streets.

A secret pathway...

Another Kurdish flag positioned high on a mountain peak, for all to see.


  1. Beautiful pictures! I can't wait to come visit, walk the streets slowly and eat some of your cuisine that I read about on the Cukbook site. Can I get something with a little less onions? Tell Stacy hello.

  2. Thank you for posting pictures, now I can visualize you being there! Enjoy exploring new places and meeting new friends.

  3. Wow... even things that weren't there just a couple months ago. #1 Neighborhood chicken.....Awesome! I'm surprised Dilshir hasn't hurt it yet?!?! #2 Restaurant on the "River Walk" it looks so cleaned up and spiffy now! That's great! #3 it's so green for this time of year I feel like. Bonus! Thanks for sharing... keep em' coming. Makes us excited to come back! love you guys!
