Saturday, December 31, 2011

Lessons from a teacher

One of my favorite blogs to read is Dr. George Grant's, found here:

I had the privilege of studying under Dr. G for 6 years at FCS, and then hearing him preach for a couple of years at Parish Presbyterian. I always marveled that a man with such an amazing mind would spend so much time teaching head strong high school students. If he accepted all the invitations to write books for other people and speak at conferences that often come his way, he'd probably have more money and more fame. And he does speak at conferences and write books, but he also spends a great deal of time discipling youngsters.

Below was one of his recent posts. As a first-year teacher, I find a lot of inspiration here. I hope to have this perspective in 20 years.

After 20 Years, Why I'm Still Teaching

1. I get to love what I love in front of my students.
2. I inevitably learn more--even more than those I’m teaching.
3. I have a great excuse to buy more books.
4. And then, I have a great excuse to read more books.
5. I am forced to make real-life connections rather than simply pontificate in the theoretical.
6. I am provoked to think about the future and scrutinize the present through the lens of the past.
7. I am able to reacquaint myself with the best of our great legacy of art, music, and ideas.
8. I get the satisfaction of seeing the “lights come on.”
9. I am constantly prodded to hone my communications skills.
10. I get to bear testimony to the grace and mercy of God, in space, in time, and in me.
11. I am privileged to catch early glimpses of the future leaders of our culture in action.

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