Saturday, December 31, 2011

Mardin, Turkey

We went to Mardin, Turkey over the Christmas holiday to visit some friends. Dan and Alex went to the Citadel together, and now they live just a few hours apart in the Middle East!

Alex and his wife Jamie and their beautiful girls Abigail and Elisa were such fun. Our time with them was relaxing and refreshing - a wonderful vacation. I didn't know them before this trip, but it was like being with old friends.

Side note: Even though it's only a 3 hour distance, it took 10 hours to get there! Border patrol is pretty rigorous. (Also, they were on lunch break when we got there. Lunch is a serious matter.) The bright side: I caught up on my reading.

Right across the street from Alex and Jamie's apartment, there is an actual coffee shop serving actual coffee. Yes, that's a chocolate spoon!

In the market

At the Sultan Isa Madressi. Breathtaking view!

Overlooking the plains of northern Syria

The top of the mountain

The Deyrul Zafaran Monastery - a Syrian Orthodox Church built in the 5th century AD

Great architecture

Beautiful family!

Elisa and me

A pool of water next to a beautiful courtyard.

This one of Alex and Jamie is adorable.

The view was amazing.

Two Citadel boys and their rings of power

Also, here's a Red Bull commercial shot in Mardin. The spot where the guy does a flip at 2:30 is where we took the pictures at the pool of water. Pretty cool!


  1. yeah--great!

    Robin :-)

  2. You guys are amazing photographers! What beautiful pictures!
