Thursday, September 30, 2010

Venice, Italy

Venice was a reminder to me that some things should just stay the way they are. (That is, as long as they aren't sinking.) We only had one day in Venice, but it was enough time to marvel at the gothic architecture, listen to some wonderful classical musicians on the San Marco square, and eat some delicious pasta.

We quickly learned that it's an easy and fun place to get lost, as long as you're not trying to make it to the bus station to catch a bus to catch a plane. We were beginning to wonder whether our map was an actual map of Venice. At one point, by God's grace, we found the best map possible: an elderly gentleman who grew up in Venice. When we asked him how to find the square, he said, "Yes, follow me. I know Venice. It's very complicated." He was shorter than me and may have even weighed less, but we were huffing and puffing to keep up with him.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What I'm Reading

I'm inspired.

Stuttgart, Germany: A Week in Review

I'm a little behind... sorry! We've been quite on the move and without internet the last couple of days (or the last couple of countries, I should probably say). So here's my first catch-up post!

We had a good week in Stuttgart, Germany. Dan played for a PWOC (Protestant Women of the Chapel) event on Thursday morning. Interestingly, he always seems to receive a lot of affirmation at these women's events. It must be because he's a pretty charming guy. That's my theory, at least.

He also led chapel services on Sunday. The gospel service was truly memorable. Everyone was incredibly welcoming and we were invited to a southern-style potluck afterwards.

PWOC event

Our hosts for part of the week -- Dan and Denise Jennings. They knew Dan from England, when he was just a kid, so it was like being at home. We may even try to see them again next month. That's how cool they are.

The Jennings' dog, Freeway. I told the Jennings that this doggie had put a spell on Dan. Dan isn't a big fan of dogs in general, but he LOVES little Freeway. As you can see, I was quite taken with him myself.

Our hosts for the other half of the week -- Derrick and Melody Gordon. They were lots of fun and we enjoyed sharing our similar taste in comedy. We introduced them, of course, to Brian Reagan. They approved.

Reading in the park. Books have been taking me on adventures, too. Sometimes Dan can't figure out if I'm in Ireland or Pakistan -- in my head, that is.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Last stop in Belgium: Brussels

Dan led a chapel concert and played at a youth event on Sunday in Brussels. The chaplain asked Dan if he would lead the little kids in the chapel service in a song -- so Dan played "Speck." Everyone is always asking him which CD that song is on -- and we have to tell them it's on the next EP. But we're glad to be generating some interest in the next album!

Downtown Brussels is a pretty fascinating place. I've never seen so many street performers and restaurants in one concentrated area. If you've been following America's Got Talent this year (okay, so it's our little guilty pleasure), I definitely found Haspop's cousin performing on the streets of Brussels (picture below).

Festival at downtown Brussels

Haspop's cousin! (Or at least I think he is.)

Belgian waffle with Nutella - quite good, quite expensive.

Best friends

Our wonderful hosts, Chaplain Darin Olson and his wife, Janel. They were so welcoming and helpful. We're so grateful to them for opening up their home to us.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Bruges, Belgium

Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate. Those are the top three words I would use to describe Bruges. The next are beautiful, quaint, and biker-friendly.

But seriously, the chocolate is everywhere and inexpensive. Today, it was almost more than my mouth could handle - in a good way. It's actually satisfying and has no high fructose corn syrup.

River canal

Bruges is known for its lace-making.

And more importantly, its chocolate.

We rented bikes, which is definitely the way to go around here.

Our favorite way to spend the afternoon -- journal + cappuccino

We biked up to the windmills on the edge of town.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mons, Belgium in pictures

We had some great times of ministry and fellowship at two installations in Mons -- SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe) and Chievres. Both installations kept Dan pretty busy.

Downtown Mons, Belgium

A PWOC (Protestant Women of the Chapel) event

A prayer lunch for the troops

House Concert at a beautiful chateau

Sunday morning worship at the chapel

Our wonderfully gracious (and British, I might add) hosts, Kim and Dee Balshaw. They are lovely people and welcomed us into their home like we were family. We loved having tea time each day!

Friday, September 10, 2010


We've had a great time in Paris -- lots of crepes and coffee. This morning, Dan accidentally ordered a dessert for breakfast -- a "patisserie" instead of a "pastry." But it was no big deal, because we have done a lot of walking all over Paris.

Ground we covered: the Arc d' Triumph, the Champs Elysee (where there is a wonderful little cafe called Laduree), the Place de La Concorde, the Tuileries, Musee d' Orsey, Montmartre, St. Germain, Les Invalides (where Napolean Bonaparte is buried), the Eiffel Tower, a cruise on the River Seine, Notre Dame, and Ile St. Louis. WHEW. Here are a few pictures:

The Eiffel Tower does exist!

Notre Dame Cathedral

A whole shop full of cheese!

Swing Jazz band -
they played one of my favorite songs from the movie Chocolat.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Meyers' Guide to Cheap Vacationing in Europe

We all know how expensive Europe can be. But Dan and I found a way around the expense today - a mixture of mishap and cleverness, perhaps.

If you need a guide to cheap vacationing in Europe, look no further.

1. Buy Eurail tickets and plan to ride the German ICE train from city to city.

2. When you discover that you're actually scheduled for a French train, board 1st class not realizing that you were supposed to make a reservation for that train.

3. When the conductor checks your ticket and demands that you pay 75 euro for your ticket (when you've already bought your Eurail pass), look confused and start stowing away those "complimentary" miniature baguettes in your suitcase.

4. After the conductor rudely insists that "it's too late" to move back to second class because "there's no more room," go back and see for yourself.

5. 10 minutes later, insist that he was wrong and you in fact found two seats in the entryway of the train.

6. Politely demand a refund.

7. Stand your ground, even through the French


8. Get the refund.

9. Sit happily by the door for the next 2 hours, enjoying your miniature baguette.

10. Arrive in Paris - no worse for the wear and 75 euro richer. (Though your bum may be a bit sore.)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Pictures from Kandersteg

We had a great weekend in Kandersteg. Dan led worship each night and a devotional each morning. The topic of conversation for the devotionals was justification and sanctification (Romans 5 and 8). We enjoyed conversing with people who were new to the Christian faith, encouraging one another, and pointing each other to the gospel. God definitely delights in drawing people from all backgrounds into his kingdom of light. We are all proof of that.

Our sweet friends Joni and Carl - they are such examples to us of kindness and servanthood.

Jamming with the guys.

Some sweet brothers and sisters we met over dinner.

At a cafe in Kandersteg -- they have amazing hot chocolate.

And finally, the beautiful Swiss alps. Pictures just don't do these mountains justice. You have to go see them for yourself!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Kandersteg, Switzerland

We are on a retreat in Kandersteg, Switzerland with a mission organization called the Navigators, committed to serving/teaching Scripture to young military persons.

We led worship tonight and sang an Indelible Grace hymn called "His Love Can Never Fail" -- one of my favorites.

Tomorrow we'll be hiking an alp. I'm a little worried because my legs are hurting from a previous WALK Dan and I did the other day -- um, perhaps I'm not quite as in shape as I should be. If I survive through it, I'll post more pictures later. For now, here are a couple of pictures Dan took last year of this amazing little place called Kandersteg.

Oh, and yes, mom, I did buy you some chocolate. ;)