Thursday, September 16, 2010

Bruges, Belgium

Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate. Those are the top three words I would use to describe Bruges. The next are beautiful, quaint, and biker-friendly.

But seriously, the chocolate is everywhere and inexpensive. Today, it was almost more than my mouth could handle - in a good way. It's actually satisfying and has no high fructose corn syrup.

River canal

Bruges is known for its lace-making.

And more importantly, its chocolate.

We rented bikes, which is definitely the way to go around here.

Our favorite way to spend the afternoon -- journal + cappuccino

We biked up to the windmills on the edge of town.


  1. I sure hope there is some chocolate left for baby and I when you return!

  2. Chocolate always makes good gifts! Don't forget your 2nd mom! I love your pictures!
