Friday, September 10, 2010


We've had a great time in Paris -- lots of crepes and coffee. This morning, Dan accidentally ordered a dessert for breakfast -- a "patisserie" instead of a "pastry." But it was no big deal, because we have done a lot of walking all over Paris.

Ground we covered: the Arc d' Triumph, the Champs Elysee (where there is a wonderful little cafe called Laduree), the Place de La Concorde, the Tuileries, Musee d' Orsey, Montmartre, St. Germain, Les Invalides (where Napolean Bonaparte is buried), the Eiffel Tower, a cruise on the River Seine, Notre Dame, and Ile St. Louis. WHEW. Here are a few pictures:

The Eiffel Tower does exist!

Notre Dame Cathedral

A whole shop full of cheese!

Swing Jazz band -
they played one of my favorite songs from the movie Chocolat.


  1. Didn't you love the Musee d'Orsay? Everything you've ever seen in pictures!

  2. Seriously! So you've been? Were there a lot of Monet pieces when you went? We didn't see too many. But we did see a lot Manet pieces. Pretty cool!

  3. I remember turning a corner and there was "Whistler's Mother"! I think there were pretty many of Monet at the time.

  4. Your first picture of you and Dan at the Eiffel Tower looks like a postcard!! Cute :)
