Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Meyers' Guide to Cheap Vacationing in Europe

We all know how expensive Europe can be. But Dan and I found a way around the expense today - a mixture of mishap and cleverness, perhaps.

If you need a guide to cheap vacationing in Europe, look no further.

1. Buy Eurail tickets and plan to ride the German ICE train from city to city.

2. When you discover that you're actually scheduled for a French train, board 1st class not realizing that you were supposed to make a reservation for that train.

3. When the conductor checks your ticket and demands that you pay 75 euro for your ticket (when you've already bought your Eurail pass), look confused and start stowing away those "complimentary" miniature baguettes in your suitcase.

4. After the conductor rudely insists that "it's too late" to move back to second class because "there's no more room," go back and see for yourself.

5. 10 minutes later, insist that he was wrong and you in fact found two seats in the entryway of the train.

6. Politely demand a refund.

7. Stand your ground, even through the French


8. Get the refund.

9. Sit happily by the door for the next 2 hours, enjoying your miniature baguette.

10. Arrive in Paris - no worse for the wear and 75 euro richer. (Though your bum may be a bit sore.)

1 comment:

  1. Never a dull moment while traveling! Plus one positive thing Americans have done for all is that you can always just use being an American as an excuse for your mistake.
