Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Stuttgart, Germany: A Week in Review

I'm a little behind... sorry! We've been quite on the move and without internet the last couple of days (or the last couple of countries, I should probably say). So here's my first catch-up post!

We had a good week in Stuttgart, Germany. Dan played for a PWOC (Protestant Women of the Chapel) event on Thursday morning. Interestingly, he always seems to receive a lot of affirmation at these women's events. It must be because he's a pretty charming guy. That's my theory, at least.

He also led chapel services on Sunday. The gospel service was truly memorable. Everyone was incredibly welcoming and we were invited to a southern-style potluck afterwards.

PWOC event

Our hosts for part of the week -- Dan and Denise Jennings. They knew Dan from England, when he was just a kid, so it was like being at home. We may even try to see them again next month. That's how cool they are.

The Jennings' dog, Freeway. I told the Jennings that this doggie had put a spell on Dan. Dan isn't a big fan of dogs in general, but he LOVES little Freeway. As you can see, I was quite taken with him myself.

Our hosts for the other half of the week -- Derrick and Melody Gordon. They were lots of fun and we enjoyed sharing our similar taste in comedy. We introduced them, of course, to Brian Reagan. They approved.

Reading in the park. Books have been taking me on adventures, too. Sometimes Dan can't figure out if I'm in Ireland or Pakistan -- in my head, that is.


  1. I say why not always be in more than one country, across various time periods too? It brings more appreciation for the wonderful things you see now (and oh my, you are getting to see some wonderful things!).
