Sunday, April 17, 2011

Aloha from Oahu - part 1

The Hawaiian greeting, "Aloha," is an all-encompassing word meaning love, peace, compassion, mercy and... oh, what's the other one? Well, something else nice-sounding. Anyway, I've thought about how cool it would be if we greeted one another in the other 49 states with such high hopes. (HOPE! That's the fifth one, I think.) "Hello" just doesn't generate the warm fuzzies quite like an "Aloha".

Here are a few pictures from Week 1 in Hawaii.

These big fellas come ashore to do a little sunbathing. There's just nothing uptight about these creatures. Sometimes I wish I could relax like this.

When God created Hawaii, He seriously picked some gorgeous color combinations.

We're staying with the Thompson Family on the Hickam Air Force Base. Even the base is gorgeous with a beautiful walkway along Pearl Harbor.

No close-up shots yet. Not until I get a little bit of a tan! (Which may take a while...)

The Pearl Harbor/ USS Arizona memorial. The history of the 1941 Attack is brought to life when you step out onto the memorial that hovers above the remains of the sunken ship.

Dan playing for a chapel-sponsored event at Pearl Harbor.

We hiked the Makapu'u to see this fantastic view.


We just happened to pick a restaurant in Waikiki that had a view of this sunset. Pretty incredible.


  1. are you living there now?

  2. Hey Debbie! (Wow, girl, it's been a long time! :) No, we're just here for 10 days. Dan is playing music at a couple of military bases. And we get to enjoy some great benefits!

    Hope you're well!
