Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Snow White goes to Hawaii...

...and, amidst all the excitement and adventure, forgets to put sunscreen on her legs. Ouch.


  1. You poor thing! You may already know this, but a soft cool cloth (think tee-shirt like material)soaked in vinegar will draw the fire out of any burn--sunburn, kitchen burn, etc. With a kitchen burn, the vinegar will even prevent a blister. It's amazing! After the treatment of vinegar, follow up with Aloe Vera to soothe. I learned these remedies from my sweet Nanny when I was growing up.

    Susan Sadler

  2. Hey Susan! I actually did pour vinegar over my legs one night and follow up with a cool compress. It did relieve the pain quite a bit. But I hadn't thought of combining the two! Good idea! I'll keep that handy for next time. (Although next time I hope to have more sense and remember sunscreen!)
