Saturday, April 9, 2011


Norway was a first for both of us. Last year, Dan contacted the chaplain of a NATO base in Stavanger. The chaplain agreed to pay for our way from Germany with the understanding that we wouldn't be compensated for his playing. We were still willing to go, hoping we could survive on CD sales and love offerings. God is faithful, and the people were generous. In fact, on the first day, one precious lady came up to us and handed us some Norwegian cash (kroner). It was exactly the amount we needed for the entire 5 days. We couldn't help but smile thinking about how incredibly faithful our Heavenly Father is to provide our daily bread.

The beauty of the country was quite overwhelming at times. Hopefully you can taste a little of the beauty from the pictures!

Hello, Norway. Nice to meet you. What a beautiful sunset you have.

This is Chaplain Mike Howard and his wife, Shannon. They were such awesome people and wonderful hosts. They took us to see the Fjords on a free day. Is that view not incredible? We rubbed our eyes and pinched ourselves a few times to make sure it was true...

My husband's artistic eye at work. The houses are all very colorful.

At the Howard's house - our first attempt at making sushi! Mmm....

Playing for a youth group

Playing for a Power Lunch for the troops


The lake in view from our hotel.

This was a first! Dan played at Karisma Youth Center for a sweet group of students. I've never seen him play accented by a smoke machine and spotlights. He was quite the rock star.

He looks all glowy.

We really enjoyed getting to know the youth leaders at Karisma.

If I were a bird, this is exactly where I'd like to perch.

This is called the Three Swords Monument. We're not sure why, but I guess that's the name they randomly picked.

1 comment:

  1. This my be the closest I ever get to Norway, so thank you for sharing its beauty.
