Thursday, April 21, 2011

You, O Lord, are enthroned forever

One minute you're wearing old, worn out, smudged lenses that are too small for your eyes. And the next minute someone removes your outdated spectacles and replaces them with a brand new pair. You're dizzy for a few seconds, but then everything around you seems to come into focus. Within a single moment, your perspective is changed forever.

Dan was just launching into a second song at a house concert when suddenly a girl began having a seizure. Everyone's state of shock quickly turned into a state of panic. No one was medical. No one really knew this girl, so no one knew whether she had a history. As a few gathered around her to figure out how to keep her breathing, we all launched into earnest and desperate prayers: "Lord, help her."

The EMTs soon arrived and delivered her to the hospital where she underwent cat scans and other tests. And we were all left to contemplate life and what this all was supposed to mean for us. The lessons we learned:

- Life is precious, life is fragile.
- We owe every single breath to a Sovereign, Holy God.
- When we're in a state of panic and chaos, God is in control. Unlike us, He knew this girl. He knew that he wanted her to be surrounded by people who would pray for her, and not suffer through this alone. And He knew the lessons He wanted us to learn.
- "My days are like an evening shadow; I wither away like grass. But you, O Lord, are enthroned forever. You are remembered throughout all generations." (Ps. 102)


  1. Julie,
    Thank you. Lewis and I so totally agree with you.
    God's sovereignty is what we have been leaning on as we have prayed for a dear friend who suffered a stroke. Ps. 139 is where her husband has lived for 3 days. Both her sons are strong believers and were summer missionaries - she is a gift to those of us that know her. Every molecule is orchestrated by the master conductor (I am listening to Bach at the moment).

  2. Thanks, Melissa. I like the conductor imagery.

    We want to come see you guys this summer, probably July. Is that okay? (I mean, the real question is, when can we come?)
